
In an era where capacity building has remained a prized development approach with limited commitment to make it as effective as it should be, IDEAS is making a strategic choice to design a holistic Capacity Development (CD) approach that is tailored to the needs of its clients.

IDEAS utilizes its linkages with strong networks and allies to design and market CD interventions to various organizations. The IDEAS’ approach proactively embraces emerging CD needs such as those related to changing technology and the constantly changing client needs. It focuses and concretizes IDEAS services and products so as to offer clients practical and results oriented CD interventions.

IDEAS strongly believes that this approach will promote evidence based organizational effectiveness. In all these processes and interventions, IDEAS will utilize the appreciative inquiry (AI) concept in all its CD assessments, design, implementation, monitoring and learning. The AI concept focuses on building from existing strengths of the clients, enhancing a system’s capacity for collaboration, readiness to change and building capacity for managing change. By using the AI, IDEAS clients own and champion their own change processes while taking into consideration transition and sustainability of their interventions.

IDEAS is a centre of excellence with high quality CD services and a cadre of consultants with high ethical value and conduct who support in the provision of the services below;

  • Third Party Monitoring
  • Business Development
  • Research and Evaluations
  • Feasibility Assessments
  • Organisational Performance and Strategic Reviews
  • Market Assessment and Retail Audits
  • Documentation of Lessons Learnt and Best Practices
  • Capacity Building and Organisational Development
  • Strategic Planning